VIP channel free concert tickets
rules and conditions
Free tickets to Sasha's concerts are available to any member who has been a continuous paying member of the VIP channel for no less than 6 (six) consecutive calendar months. The tickets are free in the same calendar year as the membership is paid for. Unused ticket claim for any calendar year cannot be claimed, exchanged, re-deemed, transferred or applied in any way for any other calendar year. The free tickets cannot be trasferred to another individual without written consent from SashaMusic. The free tickets apply only to domestic (USA based) concerts sponsored by SashaMusic. The free ticket offer does not imply any complimentary trasportation to or from the concert or any hotel, motel, or any other lodging accomodations.
SashaMusic reservers the right to cancel any free ticket claim if a member in any way breaches the rules stated herein or attempts to "game", cheat, circumvent, mislead or to misuse the free ticket offer and or Sasha Alexeev, SashaMusic, or it's companies.
The reading of this agreement and payment of VIP channel fees constitues your agreement and complience with herein stated rules and conditions. Nothing stated herein can be amended or changed without the written consent of Sasha Alexeev and or SashaMusic